31 Jul 2019
Guest lecture by Folklore Medicine Research Centre
Folklore Medicine Research Centre of SDM Ayurveda College Kuthpady, Udupi organized a guest lecture in St. Xavier primary School, Udyavara, Udupi on the topic “Diseases in rainy season and its management along with a small expo of medicinal herbs. Dr.Nagarathna S.J, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Kaumaravhrithya was the resource person. The programme was conducted under the president ship of Headmistress Jecintha Andrade for students of 1st to 7th Standard. Soni, 7th standard student gave away the vote of thanks. Dr. Chaithra S. Hebbar, Research Head, Folklore Medicine Research Centre, Folklore Medicine Research Centre member Dr. Srinidhi Dhanya and other teachers of the school were present.