Educational Methodology
A two days basic course in educational methodology was conducted for teaching faculty of SriDharmasthala Manjunatheswara Ayurveda college and hospital Udupi. The programme was conducted by RGUHS – Academic and administrative training institute ( RAATI) on 24th and 25th for a batch of 28 teachers followed by another batch of 33 on 27th and 28th of January at the campus.
The inaugural function was presided by Dr Mamatha KV, Principal SDMCAU. The resource persons for the first batch was Dr. Prabhu Kiran from Father Muller Homeopathic medical college, Mangaluru. The second batch had Dr. Laryssa Sams. Laxmi memorial college of Nursing,Mangalore. Dr Harsha MB from Sri Hasanamba Dental college, Hassan was the resource person for both these batches. The progamme included lecture and group activities to revitalize the teaching methodology during this course.
A pre-test assessment was done prior to the start of the programme. Program Objectives were briefed by Dr. Harsha M B at the start of the session followed by Definition of Education and its relation to Educational Spiral was taken up by Dr. Prabhu Kiran. The next lecture was on Bloom’s Taxonomy Group Task 1-was conducted Dr. Harsha M B followed by Guilbert’s Hierarchy and Group Task 2 by Dr. Prabhu Kiran. Afternoon sessions included Levels and function of Educational Objectives and Adult Learning Principles by Dr. Harsha MB, Teaching Learning Methods Dr. Prabhu Kiran and Introduction to Microteaching Dr. Harsha M B. The participants were given lunch and refreshment during the event. The second day Educational Communication – T – L Media Group followed by a group Task was done by Dr. Harsha M B which was followed by a session on Lesson Plan Dr. Prabhu Kiran and Principles of Student Assessment with Group Task 4by Dr. Harsha M B. Post-test assessment was done by both Dr. Prabhu Kiran & Dr. Harsha M B. Microteaching Sessions were chaired by both Dr. Prabhu Kiran & Dr. Harsha M B. In the second batch, Dr. Laryssa Sams shouldered responsibilities in place of Dr. Prabhu Kiran. The valedictory function was presided by principal Dr Mamatha KV resource person and members of HRD committee. The participants were given a certificate and kit for participation. The resource persons were felicitated during the event.