CharakaSamhita (sutrasthana)
Charaka Samhita Udayasthamanaparayana was conducted by the department of Ayurveda Samhita siddhanta and Cultural literary fine arts committee on the occasion of Charaka Jayanti on 24 august 2022 atbhavaprakasha auditorium of Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Udupi.
The program began at 5:30 am in the morning which was inaugurated by Dr Muralidhar Sharma, Rtd. Medical superintendent, SDMAH, Udupi. He guided the students about the relevance of reading Samhita and its further application in current practice and research. Dr Veerakumara K, Dean UG Studies, presided over the function. Dr Vidyalakshmi K, HOD, along with faculties of Department of Samhita Siddhanta and members of cultural committee also accompanied during the inauguration. Sri Subrahmanya Bhat P and Dr Srinidhi Dhanya initiated the program by guiding the students for recitation of charaka Samhita strasthanaparayana which started at sunrise 6:20am.
All the Adhyaya of Charaka Samhita Sutrasthana, 1st and 2ndadhyaya of Shaareerasthana and 1stadhyaya of Siddhisthana were recited by all the UG, PG, interns and teaching faculties of the college till the sunset at 6:40 pm which ended with shankhanada and mangalarati by Dr Prabhakar U Renjal.All the UG, PG scholars, interns and faculty members of college were gathered in Bhavaprakasha auditorium the whole day.
The valedictory program began at 6:45pm with Dr Prabhakar U Renjal, Rtd. Professor, SDMCAH, Udupi, as the chief guest. He inspired students to practice recitation regularly and stressed on its impact on clinical practice. Dr Vidyalakshmi K, HOD, presented the report of the event. Participantsof the parayana voluntarily shared their experience. Dr Nagaraj S, Medical superintendent, SDMAH, Udupi, presided over the function. Dr Vijayendra Bhat presented the vote of thanks. The program ended with Shankhanada and prasad distribution. Refreshments were sponsored by Dr Niranjan Rao, Dean PG &Phd studies, SDMCAH, Udupi. The program was conducted successfully with the involvement PG scholars of department of Ayurveda Samhita Siddhanta.