World Breastfeeding Week – 2021
World breastfeeding Week celebration was organized at SDM Ayurveda hospital Kuthpady, Udupi.In this regard, a public awareness program was conducted by the Post Graduate Department of Kaumarabhritya on 03/08/2021 at Vagbhata hall, SDM Ayurveda hospital.
The program began by inviting the dignitaries on to the dais, followed by the invocation by DrPadmanayana&DrAnju, P.G Scholars, Department of Kaumarabhritya. The chief guest of the program was Dr. Nagaraj S Medical Superintendent S.D.M. Ayurveda hospital Kuthpady, Udupi. Dr. Mamatha K.V Principal SDM College of Ayurveda was the president of the function. DR.Kavya Assistant Professor department of Kaumarabhritya was the resource person.
Dr. PrathvirajPuranik, HOD Department of Kaumarabhritya, delivered the welcome speech. Chief Guest of the program Dr. NagarajS, had spoken about the importance of breastfeeding. Presidential address was given by Dr. Mamatha K.V. The resource person of the program, Dr. KavyaAssistant Professor, Department of Kaumarabhritya dealt with the topic “ Importance of breastfeeding in growth of infants and breastfeeding techniques ”. She had explained about the benefits, techniques and the importance of breastfeeding extensively. Around 50 beneficiaries of the program were the Hospital inmates and the patient bystanders, PG scholars of department of Prasootitantra and Streeroga and Agadatantra. Vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. Rajasree T. R, Final year P.G scholar, Department of Kaumarabhritya and Master of Ceremony was done by DrPooja, 1stYear P.G Scholar, Department of Kaumarabhritya. The program was organized by Dr. Sharashchandra R, Associate Professor, Dr. Nagaratna and Dr. Chitralekha Assistant Professors of the department.