Graduation Day of 2018-19 was conducted On 8-06-2019 at our Bhavaprakasha Auditorium. The programme was presided by PADMASHREE DR. D VEERENDRA HEGGADE, Chancellor, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara University, Dharwad. Graduation day address was given by PROF. VAIDYA KARTAR SINGH DHIMAN, Director General, Central council for research in Ayurvedic sceinces, New Delhi. Oath administration was given by Dr. Prasanna N Rao, Principal, SDM college Hassan to all the graduating students. The programme was also blessed by the presence of Srimathi Hemavathi Heggade and Sri Harshendra Kumar, Secretaries SDMES. Total event was chaired by DR G. Shrinivasa Acharya, Principal, SDMCA, Udupi, Dr. Mamatha K .V, Medical superintendent, SDM Ayurveda Hospital, Dr. Niranjan Rao, Dean PG and PhD studies and Dr. Suchetha Kumari , UG Dean. On the same occasion certificate of Cosmetology short course was also given. On the same day an interactive session for Faculty members and PG students with PROF. VAIDYA KARTAR SINGH DHIMAN.