Sasya Ayurveda 2019 – State Level Seminar
The Department of PG & PhD studies DravyagunaVijnana of Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Ayurveda College, Udupi has organized a State level seminar on Ethnomedicobotanical prospect “Sasya Ayurveda – 2019” on 18.12.2019. The chief guest and resource person of the seminar Dr T ShridharaBairy, Former HOD dept. of Dravyaguna inaugurated the seminar by lighting the lamp and spoke on the topic “Ethno medical wisdom” and emphasized on the importance of Ethno medicine and its immediate emergency to preserve the plants. The program was presided by DrMamatha K V, Medical superintendent and guest of honor DrNagraj S, Associate Dean PG and PhD studies. DrShrikanth.P, Chief organizing secretary ,HOD of Dravyaguna welcomed the gathering and gave the key note address on topic Ethno medicine current trends and future perspectives .The Biannual periodical- Insight was released by the dignitaries during the event.The Scientific session was later continued by the resource person Dr Suma V Mallya, Dr Mohammed Faisal, Associate Professors Department of DravyagunaVijnana on the topic “Endangered medicinal plants” and “Glimpses of ethno medicine and its relevance in Ayurveda” respectively. The afternoon session, Field survey “Sasyaavalokana” was executed by the Resource person DrNivedithaShetty and Dr. ThejaswiNaik, Assistant Professor, Department of DravyagunaVijnana.
About 70 delegates were participated in the seminar. A special exhibition on traditional folklore herbs “Dravya Darshana” was inaugurated by the dignitaries of the programme. The valedictory programe was presided over by Dr.Vrrrkumar Associate Dean UG studies. Dr.Suma malya gave report of scientific deleberations, Dr Faisal welcomed the gathering and Dr.Niveditha gave vote of thanks. The seminar was compered by DrShifaShettyand DrChaithra, PG scholar Department of DravyagunaVijnana.