Childrens Day celebration 2023
On account of Childrens Day celebration 2023, a program was organized by Department of Kaumarabhritya in association with Himalaya Wellness Company in Bhavaprakasha Auditorium, SDM Ayurveda College, Udupi on 16th November 2023. The program was inaugurated by the dignitaries with lighting the lamp.
Stage function was presided by Dr. Mamatha KV, Principal, SDMCA Udupi. In her presidential address, she explained significance of Garbhasamskara and role of nutrition in growth and development of the children.
Dr Nagaraj S, Medical superintendent, SDMAH, Udupi; explained about available facilities in Department of Kaumarabhritya at SDMCAH Udupi.
Mr Naveen Varma, Zonal Manager, Himalaya Wellness Company gave information regarding their special products for growth and development of children.
On account of Childrens Day celebration a guest lecture was organized on the topic ‘Poshaneya aagara santulitha ahaara’. Dr. Kavya, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Kaumarabrithya was resource person, elaborate discussion on nutritional foods, different preparations etc. were done followed by distribution of prizes for winners in various competitions.
In this regard, various competitions were organized. In healthy baby contest, in category I (6 month – 1 year) winners were, Sadhvi 1st, Ananya 2nd and Md. Zidan 3rd, in category II (1-2 years) winners were Vidhatri Bhat 1st, Nuhan Rahoof 2nd and Zayan 3rd , in category III – (2-3 years) winners were Mehran 1st, Aiswarya 2nd and Vinisha 3rd. Dr Prathviraj Puranik, Prof. Dr Sahana Shankari, Asso. Professor and Dr Kavya, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Kaumarabrithya were the judges of this competition.
In Fancy dress competitions (3-6 years) winners were 1st prize – Md. Hidash, 2nd prize- Md. Zaif and 3rd prize- Bhoomika. Dr.Vidyalakshmi K, Prof. Dept. of Samhita and Dr.Sreenidhi R, Asso. Professor, Dept. of Agadatantra were the judges in this competition.
Drawing competition was conducted on the theme of my favorite cartoon characters’ for the age group of 6-10yrs. Winners of this competition were 1st prize – Aditi, 2nd prize- Charvi & 3rd prize- Vedanth. Dr. Manjunath Kanti, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Panchakarma and Dr. Tulasi T.V., Asst. Professor, Dept. of Panchakarma were the judges for drawing competition. Around 350 children and parents participated in the program. All other contestants were encouraged by giving toys and participation certificate.
Dr Veera Kumar K, Dean administration, Dr Rajaneesh V Giri, UG Dean were present on the stage. Dr. Pooja Bhat, PG scholar was the master of ceremony of the function. Dr.Prathviraj Puranik welcomed the gathering. Dr. Pratibha PG scholar proposed vote of thanks.
Dr.Sahana Shankari, Associate Professor, served as Chief coordinator in the program. Dr. Nagaratna S, Associate Professor, Dr.Chithralekha, Assistant professor, Department of P.G Studies in Kaumarabhritya, PG scholars of Kaumarabhritya and Internees coordinated the program.