Childrens Day
Our Hospital celebrated Childrens Day on 14-11-18 by the Department of Kaumarabhritya in collaboration with Pharm Products Pvt Limited, Chennai. Various competitions were organized like Healthy baby competition and Fancy dress competition. Public awareness on Behavioural disorders in children and its management has also been conducted. The chief guest for the ceremony was Dr Vijayendra Bhat, Associate professor of Dept of Kayachitiksa&Manasaroga and the function was presided by Dr Mamatha K V, Medical Superintendent of our Hospital. Guests were Dr PrathvirajPuranik ,Head of Dept of Kaumarabhritya and MRG Kulkarni, Deputy regional sales Manager, Pharma Products. Dr Vijayendra Bhat gave an informative talk on Common Behavioural disorders in Children. He stressed upon its early detection and the danger signs which should be brought to Paediatrician and Psychologist and its management. The judges for the fancy dress competition were Dr Ramadevi and Dr Amala.Dr Prathviraj Puranik, Dr Chethan Kumar, Dr Sharaschandra were the judges of Healthy baby competition. The winners of the competition were awarded with certificates and prize and all the participants were given toys.