Sri DharmasthalaManjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Udupi is involved inthe noble activity of propagation of Ayurveda through academics and health throughAyurveda hospital since 1958.During the last 64 years, every now and then newinfrastructure,newprograms,research-orientedtherapeuticproceduresareinculcatedtobringupthisinstitutiontoits presentlevelof internationalfame.This institution is recognized as a model institution and centre of excellence by AYUSH,Dept.of Health,and Governmentof India.Series of seminars are being conducted every year from Organizing Committee on Sri DharmasthalaMathrushreeRathnammaHeggade Memorial day. Hence this year one day National level teaching learning Methodology Workshop entitled KOVIDA-2023 is being organized by the department of PG studies in Samhita and Siddhanta. The newly drafted curriculum by NCISM syllabus framing committee has expanded the new horizons for our ardent teachers, who aspire for KoushalaVijnanaDaakshya, thus creating the need for the KOVIDA 2023. National Ayush Mission given complete support for conduction of program and also motivated with financial support of 50 thousand rupees. Dr. B S Prasad, President, Board of Ayurveda, NCISM guided through this mission, which has taken its successful expression. He also addressed our eager delegates and inspired them during keynote session. Program was inaugurated by the Guest of Honour – Dr. Prashanth A S, Dean, ISM, RGUHS, Principal, AMV, Hubbali and Dr. Sathish Acharya, DAO, Udupi. Inaugural program was presided by Dr. Mamatha K V and Resource person- Dr. Mohan Ramachandra Joshi- Prof, Department of Sanskrit Samhita and Siddhanta, Tilak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Pune and Dr. Jai Kiran Kini, Director Reasearch and Pg and PhD coordinator, Prof in RogaVikrutiVijnan, Dr. GD Pol Foundation YMT Ayurvedic Medical College, Navi Mumbai were present along with Dr. Nagaraja S, MS, SDM Ayurveda Hospital, Dr. Niranjan Rao, Dean PG and PhD studies, D. Veerakumara K, Dean, Student Welfare, Dr. Vidyalakshmi K, Organizing Secretary, KOVIDA-2023. Sri Subrahmanya Bhat P, Associate Professor, Dept of Ayurveda Samhita and Siddhanta welcomed the gathering. The Book KOVIDA-2023 was released by the dignitaries. Vote of thanks was given by Dr. Arhanth Kumar A, Associate Professor, Dept of Ayurveda Samhita and Siddhanta.Programme was compered by Dr.Sahanashankari ,Associate Professor Dept of Kaumarabritya and Dr Arun Kumar,Associate Professor dept of RogaNidana.
Resource Person- Dr. Mohan Ramachandra Joshi and Dr. Jai Kiran Kini conducted 4 scientific sessions- on Teaching-Learning Methodology, Assessment methods for teaching and learning and 2 Hands on training sessions for each topic. The sessions involved the delegates in active learning and gave opportunity to clarify their doubts during the sessions. The total registrations were around 150 with 125 delegates from all over India and 25 in house delegates. Highly inquisitive delegates of today’s program eagerly involved in hands on training sessions and lecture sessions. Introduction of new sites for game based learning and Key terms like demonstration, problembased learning, activity based learning etc were clarified.
At the end of session valedictoryprogram was organized.Program was presided by Dr.Nagaraj S ,medicalSuperintendent,SDMAyurvedaHospital,Udupi.Resource person- Dr. Mohan Ramachandra Joshi- Prof, Department of Sanskrit Samhita and Siddhanta, Tilak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Pune ,Veerakumara K, Dean, Student Welfare, Dr. Vidyalakshmi K, Organizing Secretary, KOVIDA-2023 were present on the dias.The report of the national workshop was read by Dr.Likita Associate prof, Dept of PG studies in Samhita Siddhanta. Delegates shared their experience and feedbacks during this program. Dr.Mahalakshmi ,Assistant prof ,Dept of PG studies in Samhita siddhantawelcomed to the gatheringand Dr Vidyalakshmi, organizing secretary of the workshop deliveredvote of thanks. The program was hosted by Dr Shubha ,Assistant prof ,dept of PG studies in Agada Tantra.
The chief guest of valedictory program Dr U N Prasad, former principal SDM College of AyurvedaUdupi, spoke how the body is getting deteriorated by the environmental toxins, the diseases causedby them and the management of these effects by the Ayurveda system of medicine. Dr Mamata K V,principal SDM College of Ayurveda Udupi delivered presidential address and spoke regarding theexposure to various chemicals by food articles, cosmetics etc. and effective management throughAyurveda.DrNagarajS,wasalsopresentinthe program