M D / M S (Ayurveda)
M D / M S (Ayurveda) in 13 specialties. The duration of the course is 3 years.
- MD (Ayurveda)
- Ayurveda Samhita and Siddhanta
- Rachana Sharira
- Dravyaguna Vigyana
- Rasashastra & Bhaishajyakalpana
- Kaumarabhritya
- Swasthavritta   & Yoga
- Kayachikitsa
- Mano Vigyan Avum Manasa Roga
- RoganidanAvumVikritiVigyan
- Panchakarma
- Agada Tantra AvumVidhiVigyan
- MS (Ayurveda)
- Shalya Tantra
- Prasutitantra & Striroga
Eligibility for Admission
- A person possessing the degree in Ayurveda of a University or Board or Medicine institution specified in the Second Schedule to the Act shall be eligible for admission in the Post-Graduate degree course.
- The University or any other Committee to be constituted by Government concerned shall conduct the admission process.
- Selection of candidates shall be made strictly on the basis of final merit index calculated out of 100 Marks based on written test.
- The written test of 100 Marks shall consist of one common written test of MCQ
- The minimum eligibility marks of the entrance for admission in the case of general candidates shall be fifty percent of the total marks.
- The sponsored candidates shall also be required to possess the percentage of marks specified sub-regulations except foreign nationals.
- Reservation for all categories shall be applicable as per State Government / Central Government policy.
- Change of subject shall be permissible within a period of two months from the date of admission, subject to availability of vacancy and guide in the concerned Department. (http://www.ccimindia.org/ayurveda-pg-reg.php)