Obesity Camp
Department of Swastavritta of our College conducted one week obesity camp at our Hospital Udupi from 17/05/2018 to 24/5/2018.The camp oriented for treatment of obesity, patients are educated regarding panchakarma therapy, daily dietic regimen/ pathya, yoga, cosmetic treatment etc. The camp was inaugurated by Dr.Shreekanth U, Principal of SDM College of Ayurveda, Udupi and Dr.Mamatha K.V, Medical Superintendent of SDM Ayurveda Hospital stressed the need and importance of treatment . Dr. Vijay B. Neglur welcomed the gathering and compared the programmme. Mr. C. Shrinivas Hedge, Manager, SDM Ayurveda Hospital, Dr. Yogeesha Acharya, Dr.Sandesh Kumar, Dr.Srinidhi Dhanya of Swasthavritta department, Dr.Rashmi RMO and others staffs of college were present during inauguration.