Mission & Vision

Vitalizing Health and prevention of diseases.
- Prevention and promotion of health through Dinacharya (Daily regimen) Ratricharya (Night regimen) and Ritucharya (Seasonal regimen).
- Ayurvedic diet for healthy and diseased persons.
- Yogasana pranayama for prevention and promotion of health.
- Rejuvenation of body and mind through Rasayana and Achara Rasayana.
Services Provided
- Pathya (diet ) for OPD and IPD Patients.
- Yogasana and pranayama for patients and Yoga camps for public.
- Prakriti assessment and explaining dos and donts according to prakruti.
- Awareness about Ritushodhana (Seasonal detoxification).
- Rejuvenation of body and mind through Rasayana and Achara Rasayana.
- Life style modification.