Mission & Vision

Brain is a wise performer only with wise sense organs.
Quality health care service in relation to head and sense organs.
Holistic and soothening atmosphere for our patients.
Services offered
Department focuses on ocular conditions like Myopia, Hypermetropia ,Astigmatism ,Allergic conjuctivitis, Dry eye syndrome ,Diabetic retinopathy, Hypertensive retinopathy, Central serous retinopathy, Macular degeneration, Glaucoma and many more related to the Eyes will be screened to provide the best eye care to the needful.
Karna, nasa gala roga and shiroroga : Ear, Nose,Throat and Head
ENT is concerned with the detailed evaluation of ear,nose and throat .Ear conditions like hearing loss (Deafness),Tinnitus, pus discharge,(CSOM), ear ache, nasal problems like Rhinits, Sinusitis, Epistasis , Nasal allergy, Throat conditions like Tonsillitis, Pharingitis, Change of voice and Vertigo are handled routinely.
Regular evaluation of migraine, cluster headache, stress headache, trigeminal neuralgia are done and effective treatment is practiced in this centre.
The conditions like Dandruff, Hair fall (Alopecia), early graying of hairs are managed in very efficient way.
Oral cavity and Dentistry deals with disease and treatment of the tooth , gums and mouth
Netra Kriyakalpa These are local ocular therapeutic procedures used to preserve the health of eye and help to treat diseases intending to provide better vision.
Akshi tarpana and putapaka: A unique procedure of application of medicine to the eyes which relievs pain and eye strain in people who work on computers; Protects the eye from degeneration due to aging process or due to diabetis and hypertension; gives palliative care in retinitis pigmentosa and retinal conditions.
Aschyotana: The instillation of few drops of medicine into the eye is called Aschyotana which is adopted asa line of treatment in all eye diseases, relieves pain, irritation and foreign body sensation, excessive watering, burning sensation, redness .
Netra pariseka: A therapy of pouring the medicine on the closed eye in the form of stream in stye, chalazion, and in conditions with rednedss and discharge from eyes.
Anjana: A technique in which medicine is applied in the form of collerium planned in conditions like degeneration, pterigium .
Pindi and Vidalaka: In Pindi medicine is packed in the cloth and is kept over the eyelid.
Vidalaka is a procedure of application of medicated paste to the outer surface of the eye lids. The therapy give smoothening effect in burning sensation, discharge, watering, swelling in the eye, redness and foreign body sensation concerning the eye.
Eye exercises: Special eye exercises form a part of treatment in refractive errors.
Padabhyanga: Application of oil to the feet followed by massage when done routinely improves the vision and relaxes the eyes.
Shiroabhyanga, shiropichu, shirodhara and shirobasti :
The treatment plans for headaches, scalp and hair problems which strengthen the hair roots. Also planned in disease of Head like headache of various causes.
Nasya: Medicaments are instilled into the nose to treat conditions of head and neck region. an effective therapy in various headfaches, nasal allergies, sinusitis, frequent attacks of common old benificial in hair fall and graying of hair.
Kavala and gandusha: Procedure of holding the medicines in the buccal cavity with or without gargling. A sure shot therapy in hypersensitivity of tooth, ulceration of mouth, gingivitis,;useful to strengthen the teeth and gums and to maintain the healthy status of the moth.
Dhoomapana: Smoking for a medical purpose using a specially designed instrument aims at treating sinusitis, common cold and thrat problems.
Karna purana: The procedure of dropping the medicated oil into the ears. A unique therapy recommended for those who work in noisy environment and use mobiles for long hours. Effective in reduced hearing , ringing sound in the ear ad many more conditions affecting the ear. Strengthens the nerves of ear and improves hearing.
Karna dhoopana: Unique soothing and relaxing therapy where fumigation of the ears with herbs is done specially in frequent ear infections with discharge and itching.