Mission & Vision

- To create well versed/trained Ayurveda visha vaidyas, so that they can treat needy people.
- To generate good Forensic science & Medical Jurisprudence experts in the field of Ayurveda to regulate and handle legal issues and medical laws.
- To do detailed & Comprehensive research on Visha dravyas, Antidotes, Treatment modalities of Sthavara & Jangama vishas and all the concepts of Agadatantra
The Agadatantra department seeks to provide excellent theory, clinical & practical education and exposure with a view to shaping efficient teachers, physicians and researchers in the field of Agadatantra, who are intellectual, morally upright and socially sensitive.
Services provided
- Simulators for demonstration of gastric lavage ; endotracheal intubation
- P.D postings. Clinical orientation classes for 1st year post graduate
- Field visits were in different visha vaidyas will be visited
- One month P.G postings to papensiary visha Kendra
- 15 days P.G postings to S.D.M Medical college Dharwad to undergo Postmortem training and clinical toxicology
- One week Court Postings to observe medico legal cases
- Postings in Research lab to undergo training for taxonomic validation of different plant mentioned in toxicology
- Trained under Pharamaco vigilance committee
- Preparation of few ayurvedic formulation which are used in poisoning cases
- Basic test carried out to identify adulterants in food