6th National Ayurveda day 2021, Guest lecture
On account of 6th National Ayurveda day 2021, Guest lecture was organised by Department of Kaumarabhritya SDM College of Ayurveda ,Udupi, BhavaPrakasha auditorium on 2nd November 2021 between 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. The program began with greetings of dignitaries. The guest for program was DrGeetha .B. Shetty ,Professor and Dean Department of Nutrition and Physical therapies ,SDM College of Naturopathy and Yogic sciences, Ujire, DrMamatha K.V, President ,Principal , SDMCA, Udupi, Dr. Nagaraj .S ,Medical Superintendent ,SDMCA, Udupi ,Dr. NiranjanRao Professor and Dean for PG and PhD studies ,SDMCA Udupi , Dr. VeeraKumar Associate Professor and Dean for UG studies, SDMCA, Udupi, Dr. Prathvirajpuranik ,Professor and HOD Department of Kaumarabhritya,Organising Secretary.
The Master of the ceremony was Dr. AiswaryaPrabhu. The program commenced with prayer by DrAnnapoorna and team.Dr. Prathviraj Puranik welcomed all guest and audiences too.The program was inaugurated by the dignitaries with lighting the lamp and offering flowers to Lord Dhanvantari statue followed by distribution of prizes to the students for their remarked achievement like proficiency, cultural competitions, sports events by the dignitaries.
The resource person Dr. Geetha. BShetty delivered talk on Diet and Health in present scenario. She has explained regarding different yogic diets, gut microbiota, role of probiotics and prebiotics, fasting and autophagy and importance of different juice forms. Finally she has explained panchasutra of Yoga and Naturopathy that includes take one meal per day ,practice exercise, drink more water 2 to 3 litres per day ,fasting once in a week and prayer .By following above mentioned principal one can achieve good health. As a token of love a momento was offered to Dr. Geetha .B. Shetty by Dr VeeraKumar.
The presidential address was given by DrMamathaKV ,Principal, SDMCA, Udupi. Dr. Sharaschandra , Associate Professor, Department of Kaumarabhritya proposed vote of thanks .Finally the program concluded with the National Anthem. DrNagaratna, Associate Professor, Department of Kaumarabhritya, SDMCA, Udupi, Dr.Chithralekha, Assistant Professor, Department of Kaumarabhritya and all other PG scholars of Kaumarabhritya coordinated the program.